Information about FOOMA JAPAN 2025 Academic plaza

We will provide a platform for research presentations on food, food machinery, equipment, and related technologies at the venue of the exhibition 'FOOMA JAPAN 2025' organized by the Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers' Association. We look forward to receiving applications from many research institutions.

Application Information

PurposeBy strengthening general growth and technology in the food and food machinery industry and promoting exchange between industry and academia, this Academic Plaza seeks to improve the quality and safety of citizens' diets.
Date/HoursTuesday, June 10 through Friday, June 13, 2025, 10am to 5pm
LocationEast Halls of Tokyo Big Sight (Ariake, Koto-Ku, Tokyo)
QualificationsResearch labs within a university, College of Technology, or public research institution (joint presentations by multiple research units are also accepted)
Area of Research
  • Food, food machinery and equipment, and related technologies
  • Research on technologies with potential applications in the food industry
(Same presentations made previously at past Academic Plazas will not be accepted)
Number of Presenters(40) Domestic and overseas research labs planned
Presentation Format
  1. Poster Session
    (Each presenter gets two pieces of B1-size posters. The format is specified on one poster, and no format is applied to another one.
    If samples or demonstration equipment will be exhibited, in addition to posters, please indicate this on the application. For more information please contact us.)
  2. Oral Presentations
    (by request only) *Approx. 20 topics planned, 30 minutes per topic (first-come, first-served basis)
Financial AssistanceFinancial assistance for overseas labs, please contact the Secretariat.
PrizeFOOMA AP Prize (for poster sessions)
Participation Requirements
  1. During the event, posters of research illustrated clearly in Japanese must be placed in their designated location and at least one person must stay at the booth to explain the research to visitors.
  2. All documentation requested by the Association must be submitted by designated deadlines.
  3. You must agree to abide by the terms and conditions defined by the Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers' Association.
Application PeriodMonday, October 7 through Friday, November 15, 2024
(Deadline by which applications must be received by the Secretariat)
How to ApplyUsing the Application for Research Publication form or an identical application form of your own making, please provide all required information and submit your stamped/signed (electronic signature accepted) form as a scanned email attachment. We will notify receipt of the form.
Depending on the number of applications received, we may be unable to accept all presenters. If your presentation is accepted, you will be notified.
SelectionReview and selection of presenters will be made by the Technical Committee of the Japan Food Machinery Manufacturers' Association.
Selection NotificationYou will be notified of the selection results in late December.
Important Reminders
  • Applications will not be returned. Any personal and other such information will only be used for the purpose of Academic Plaza operations.
  • Please provide all information requested on the application form. If any information is incomplete, we may be unable to accept your presentation.
  • In an effort to accept presenters from a wide range of research institutions, we may limit the number of presentations from a single research institution to a single presentation. Your understanding is appreciated.
  • Late applications will not be accepted. Please note carefully the deadlines.
  • When presenting the results of joint research with a private company, please note that the company name and product name, including trademark, must not be displayed on posters, abstract manuscripts, and other presentation materials. In addition, the company's sales activities shall not be performed in the oral presentation.
  • The above conditions may be changed without notice. Your understanding is appreciated.