About FOOMA [The Food Machinery of FOOMA]

In this website, you can search all FOOMA member companies by "Search Food Machinery Manufacturers & Distributors".

■ Search for member companies by keyword

You can search for FOOMA member companies by keywords such as company name or product name.
Please enter the keywords in the box on the right hand side of the search box at the top of this page (blue strip) and click the search button.
It is also possible to search for multiple keywords at the same time. Enter a keyword in the box on the right side of the Search for Food Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors and click the Search button.

■ Search by Food Processing Machinery Product Category

You can search for FOOMA member companies by product category.
Please select the product field from the pull down menu on the right hand side of the search box at the top of this page (blue strip) and click on it.

■ Target areas of food processing machinery

The food processing machines of Japan provide a wonderful contribution to the eating culture of the world.
FOOMA gathers experts in the field of food production from 200 or more different companies. These experts, through intelligence and planning,bring about the best possible food processing machinery which works constantly to make food for the world.

The food processing machinery made by the member companies of FOOMA

  1. Rice/Barley milling machinery
  2. Flour milling machinery
  3. Noodle making machinery
  4. Bakery and confectionery machinery
  5. Dairy products processing machinery
  6. Beverage manufacturing machinery
  7. Meat processing machinery
  8. Marine products processing machinery
  9. Agricultural products processing machinery and equipment
  10. Prepared food processing machinery and equipment/Cooker and equipment for kitchen
  11. Quality management equipment
  12. Drying machines
  13. Ferment and brewery machinery
  14. Sanitary maintaining equipment and its materials
  15. Scale and packing related equipment
  16. Environmental equipment
  17. Analyzing/testing equipment
  18. Conveyer and parts equipment
  19. Food-related equipment,parts and materials